fredag 10. september 2010

The Runaways: Film review |

The Runaways:
Listen to Joan Jett's anthem I Love Rock'n Roll and you figure that she's a lady with a story to tell. And she has - a true tale of teenage stardom, bisexuality and general ground-breaking girl-band action. Unfortunately, this 1970-set biopic is actually based on the memoirs of her has-been bandmate, Cherie Currie.

Film review:
"Dakota Fanning plays Currie, the jailbait ingénur who dresses like David Bowie and catches the attention of Jett's eccentric new manager, Kim Fowley (and amusing Michael Shannon). Meanwhle, Twilight's Kristen Stewart is surly tomboy Jett, with whom Fanning shares a brief sex scene. Currie is signed up to Jettæs punky girl band, The Runaways, and begins to lose her innocence when good old sex and drugs come a-calling.

The fate of a drug-added teen who's got too mush, this has the beginnings of an interesting tale but rarely digs deep, sticking to the facts without uncovering feelings. It's a too-familiar rags-to-riches-to-rags tale without much substance. But it looks and sounds good, and now and then it rocks."

- Dette var med andre ord ikkje den aller beste anmeldelsen filmen, The Runaways, kunne fått, men det er jo alltid fleire meiningar og andre anmeldelsar. Eg personlig synes filmen er underholdnande med fengande musikk =)

For å lese alt + sjå traileren til filmen, titt innom linken under;
The Runaways: Film review

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